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Lisrel 9.1: Features, Benefits, and Resources for SEM Users

Lisrel 9.1 Download Full Crack

Lisrel is a software program that allows researchers to perform structural equation modeling (SEM) and other statistical analyses on data from various fields. It is one of the most popular and powerful tools for SEM, with a long history of development and innovation. In this article, we will show you how to download Lisrel 9.1 full crack for free, how to install it on your computer, how to use it effectively, and where to find more resources and support.

Lisrel 9.1 Download Full Crack

What is Lisrel 9.1?

Lisrel 9.1 is the latest version of Lisrel, released in 2017 by Scientific Software International (SSI). It is a 64-bit application that combines the functionality of previous Lisrel and Prelis programs, as well as adding new features and methods for SEM and multilevel modeling. Some of the features and benefits of Lisrel 9.1 are:

  • It can handle both complete and incomplete data from simple random and complex survey designs.

  • It can handle both categorical and continuous variables as outcomes or predictors.

  • It can estimate models with ordinal and continuous variables using full information maximum likelihood (FIML).

  • It can fit multilevel generalized linear models (GLMs) with three levels and multilevel linear models with four or five levels.

  • It can perform exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using ML or MINRES methods.

  • It can fit generalized linear models (GLMs) with categorical, count, and non-normally distributed outcome variables using adaptive quadrature.

  • It has a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to specify models using path diagrams or syntax.

  • It has a comprehensive output that includes model fit indices, parameter estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals, residuals, modification indices, etc.

  • It has a built-in data editor that allows users to manipulate, transform, generate, import, and export data.

  • It has a batch mode that allows users to run multiple analyses without opening the GUI.

How to download Lisrel 9.1 for free?

If you want to download Lisrel 9.1 full crack for free, you have three options: trial version, student edition, or upgrade version.

Trial version

The trial version of Lisrel 9.1 is available for free for 15 days after activation. It has no limitations in terms of functionality or technical support. To download the trial version, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on this link to save the XLS file to a temporary location.

  • Open the XLS file with Microsoft Excel and enter your personal data in the second row.

  • Save the revised copy of the XLS file and attach it to an email message with the subject line "Lisrel Trial License".

  • Send the email message to

  • You will receive an email with your activation code within one business day.

  • Click on this link again to save the EXE file to a temporary location.

  • Run the EXE file as administrator and follow the installation instructions.

  • Enter your activation code when prompted and enjoy your free trial of Lisrel 9.1.

Student edition

The student edition of Lisrel 9.1 is also available for free for students who want to learn SEM or use it for their coursework or research projects. It has some restrictions in terms of the number of variables and data formats that it can handle, but it still offers most of the features and methods of the full version. To download the student edition, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on this link to save the EXE file to a temporary location.

  • Run the EXE file as administrator and follow the installation instructions.

  • You don't need an activation code for the student edition.

Upgrade version

The upgrade version of Lisrel 9.1 is available for free for users who have active activation codes for Lisrel 8 or Lisrel 9. It allows them to enjoy the new features and methods of Lisrel 9.1 without paying extra fees. To download the upgrade version, you need to follow these steps:

  • Uninstall your previous version of Lisrel using the Windows Control Panel.

  • Delete any remaining Lisrel folders from your Program Files directory.

  • If you have an active activation code for Lisrel 8, click on this link to save the EXE file to a temporary location.

  • If you have an active activation code for Lisrel 9, click on this link to save the EXE file to a temporary location.

  • Run the EXE file as administrator and follow the installation instructions.

  • Enter your existing activation code when prompted and enjoy your free upgrade to Lisrel 9.1.

How to install Lisrel 9.1?

If you have downloaded any of the versions of Lisrel 9.1 mentioned above, you need to install it on your computer before you can use it. The installation process is simple and straightforward, but you need to make sure that you have administrator privileges on your computer and that you have enough disk space available. Here are the steps to install Lisrel 9.1:

  • Navigate to the temporary location where you saved the EXE file (LISREL10Setup.exe or LISREL930Setup.exe).

  • Right-click on the EXE file and select "Run as administrator".

  • A welcome screen will appear. Click on "Next".

  • A license agreement screen will appear. Read it carefully and click on "I accept" if you agree with it.

  • A destination folder screen will appear. Choose where you want to install Lisrel 9.1 on your computer or leave it as default.

  • A start menu folder screen will appear. Choose where you want to create shortcuts for Lisrel 9.1 or leave it as default.

  • A ready to install screen will appear. Click on "Install".

  • A progress screen will appear. Wait until the installation is complete.

  • A finish screen will appear. Click on "Finish".

How to use Lisrel 9.1?

Once you have installed Lisrel 9.1 on your computer, you can start using it to perform SEM and other statistical analyses on your data. There are two ways to use Lisrel 9.1: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or using the syntax mode.

Using the GUI

The GUI of Lisrel 9.1 allows you to specify models using path diagrams or syntax, import and export data, run analyses, and view output. To use the GUI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open Lisrel 9.1 from your start menu or desktop shortcut.

  • A welcome screen will appear. Click on "New Project".

  • A project screen will appear. Enter a name for your project and choose a location to save it.

  • A data screen will appear. Click on "Import Data" and select the data file that you want to analyze. You can choose from various formats, such as ASCII, SPSS, SAS, etc.

  • A model screen will appear. Click on "Specify Model" and choose whether you want to use path diagrams or syntax to specify your model.

  • If you choose path diagrams, a diagram editor will appear. You can use the toolbar to draw variables, paths, errors, etc. You can also edit the labels, values, and constraints of each element.

  • If you choose syntax, a syntax editor will appear. You can type or paste your model specification using the Lisrel syntax language. You can also use the menu or toolbar to insert commands, symbols, etc.

  • When you are done specifying your model, click on "Run Analysis".

  • An output screen will appear. You can view the results of your analysis, such as model fit indices, parameter estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals, residuals, modification indices, etc.

  • You can also export your output to various formats, such as HTML, RTF, PDF, etc.

Using the syntax mode

The syntax mode of Lisrel 9.1 allows you to run analyses without opening the GUI. You can use this mode if you prefer to work with text files or if you want to run multiple analyses in batch mode. To use the syntax mode, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a text file with your model specification using the Lisrel syntax language. You can use any text editor for this purpose.

  • Save the text file with a .ls8 extension (for example, mymodel.ls8).

  • Create another text file with a list of commands that tell Lisrel what to do with your model file. You can use any text editor for this purpose.

  • Save the text file with a .cmd extension (for example, mycommands.cmd).

  • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory where you saved your files.

  • Type "lisrel91 mycommands.cmd" and press enter.

  • Lisrel will run your analysis and produce an output file with a .out extension (for example, myoutput.out).

  • You can open the output file with any text editor or word processor and view the results of your analysis.

Where to find more resources and support?

If you want to learn more about Lisrel 9.1 or need help with any issues or questions that you may have, there are several resources and support options available for you:

Official website

The official website of SSI is Here you can find information about Lisrel 9.1 and other products offered by SSI, such as HLM, SuperMix, etc. You can also download manuals, examples, updates, patches, etc.

Online tutorials

There are several online tutorials that teach you how to use Lisrel 9.1 for various types of analyses and models. Some of them are:

  • Lisrel 9 Tutorial: Introduction to SEM using Path Diagrams

  • Lisrel 9 Tutorial: Introduction to SEM using Syntax

  • Lisrel 9 Tutorial: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

  • Lisrel 9 Tutorial: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

  • Lisrel 9 Tutorial: Multilevel Modeling (MLM)

User community

There are also several online forums and groups where you can interact with other users of Lisrel 9.1 and ask for help or advice on any issues or questions that you may have. Some of them are:

  • LISREL-SEM Google Group

  • LISREL ResearchGate Topic

  • SEMNET Facebook Group


Lisrel 9.1 is a powerful and versatile software program that allows researchers to perform structural equation modeling (SEM) and other statistical analyses on data from various fields. It has many features and benefits that make it one of the most popular and widely used tools for SEM. In this article, we showed you how to download Lisrel 9.1 full crack for free, how to install it on your computer, how to use it effectively, and where to find more resources and support. We hope that this article was helpful and informative for you and that you enjoy using Lisrel 9.1 for your research projects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the system requirements for Lisrel 9.1?

Lisrel 9.1 is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 operating systems. It requires at least 512 MB of RAM and 100 MB of disk space.

How much does Lisrel 9.1 cost?

Lisrel 9.1 is not free software except for the trial version and the student edition. The full version costs $595 for a single-user license and $1190 for a network license.

How can I get technical support for Lisrel 9.1?

If you have any technical issues or questions regarding Lisrel 9.1, you can contact SSI by email at or by phone at +1-800-238-7475 (toll-free in USA) or +1-312-238-9298 (international).

What are some alternatives to Lisrel 9.1?

If you are looking for other software programs that can perform SEM and other statistical analyses similar to Lisrel 9.1, some of them are:

  • Mplus: A comprehensive program that offers various types of SEM models as well as latent variable models such as latent class analysis (LCA), latent growth curve modeling (LGCM), etc.

  • AMOS: A user-friendly program that allows users to specify models using graphical path diagrams as well as syntax.

  • R: A free and open-source program that offers various packages for SEM such as lavaan, semTools, OpenMx, etc.

How can I cite Lisrel 9.1 in my research papers?

If you use Lisrel 9.1 in your research papers, you should cite it as follows:

Jöreskog K.G., & Sörbom D., (2017). LISREL Version 9: Users Reference Guide Chicago: Scientific Software International Inc.


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